As anyone who follows this kind of stuff will know, Insomnia Publications filed with Companies House to stop trading, and left about sixty or so people with graphic novels in legal limbo. As the wheels begin to slowly turn in a bid to get the situation resolved and get the creators out of their contracts, several Insomniacs have banded together to get a brand new anthology,
Survival Stories, out there. This new book is made up of work that
wasn't under contract with Insomnia, and due to appear in what would've been the next issue of Layer Zero, and all of the proceeds raised from the sale of Survival Stories will be donated to the
Comic Book Alliance.

However, to make this book happen, they need
your support.
Over on
Kickstarter, a page has been set up where you can pre-order yourself a copy - digital or printed - or otherwise help out by pledging some money to help them hit their target amount. The book is around 192 pages long, and there's a bunch of special offers there, too, depending on how much you donate.
So, you know, go and order yourself a copy!