Over at The Quaequam Blog, they've published a sneaky peek at a strip I've written for them, Devlin Waugh: A Night In Casablanca, with Jaye Franklin on art and Bolt-01 on letters. And it looks a bit like this:

I have to admit, I was aprehensive when I started to draft this one. Devlin Waugh is one of the most flamboyant and upbeat characters in the 2000AD line-up, with a very unique "voice" that's pretty difficult to emulate effectively without falling into parody. Couple that with trying to come up with an original story polished enough to be half way decent and you've got a bit of a challenge on your hands. Whether I've actually managed to make it all work or not is another matter entirely...
Anyway, Devlin Waugh: A Night In Casablanca is set to appear in Zarjaz #14, due for release in March 2012 - which will feature a cover based on this very strip! I can't say who the cover artist is at the minute, mainly because I don't know, but they will be at Hi-Ex, the International Highlands Comic Convention, next year.
I'll post more about this when I can.