Along with Simon Wyatt, I did an adaptation of a Northumbrian folk tale, The Lang Pack, a strange little story about a pedlar who leaves his pack with the staff of Lee Hall in Bellingham while he goes off to find lodgings. However, during the night, the staff swear the pack begins to move...
Simon has just sent me the finished art for the story, and, with his and Stacey's permission, I'm going to post a couple of things from it as a way of a teaser. Firstly, we have Simon's concept of The Pedlar, who kicks off the story:
Next up, we have Alice, our lead character:
And finally, we have Simon's rendition of Lee Hall:
Into The Woods: A Fairytale Anthology - will also feature contributions from Rich McAuliffe, Sarah Dunkerton, Matt Gibbs, Alice Duke, Scott Harrison, Daniel Clifford, Bevis Musson and many, many more. The book will be getting its official launch at the Cardiff Comic Expo next year.
If you want to know more about the original story of The Lang Pack, Linda Stratmann has a detailed version on her website here and England's North East has a slightly different version here. Alternatively, you can buy Joseph Crawhall's book about the story from Amazon here