So, without further ado, here's an image that Stewart put together as a test for a panel, but ultimately decided to cut (and actually went back and coloured for this very blog post!):
And, just to give you some idea of the insane level of detail Stewart dropped into every panel of Jurassic Farce:
UPDATE: Stewart himself turned up in the comments of this post to add:
To add to the mad level of detail...the vehicle seen in the first two pictures, on the roadway beneath the T Rex and in detail bottom right of picture based on 'Sleepybye Suction Beds'. This was a truck that Fink Angel boarded to escape Dredd in 'The Fink'
Still not convinced of all the detail that went in? Remember this from an earlier post?

That pic - minus the speech bubble - is actually a poster in Jurassic Farce that makes up a visual gag in the background of the strip: Dethan Taxi's - watch out for it.
Jurassic Farce was a blast to write and it was an absolute joy to see the artwork coming together. Stewart's graciously allowed me to show you some page roughs, too. It's worth noting that he pretty much ditched these layouts and went with something that just brought a whole extra level of kinetic energy to the pages that, I'm sure you'll agree when you read the finished strip, just blows these out of the water:
Again, click either of those images to see them embiggened.
Given how much Stewart put into the finished art (and how much didn't make it in), I feel he should be referred to as the mad genius he clearly is. In all seriousness, though, I've said it before and I'll say it again, I think Stewart is "prog ready" and I wouldn't be surprised if he ends up in the pages of the Galaxy's Greatest Comic sometime soon. For now, though, be sure and check out his upcoming work for Tin Man's second Dredd gamebook, Judge Dredd: The Dark. In fact, here's a sneak preview:
You can find Stewart's blog over at
Remember, Zarjaz #18, featuring Jurassic Farce, is available to buy from the FutureQuake Shop and the Comicsy Shop. Copies of the issue should also be making their way to Forbidden Planet International shops and Orbital Comics in London.
Oh, and the rather scrotnig cover for the issue is by 2000AD art droid Ben Wilsher, and looks like this:

For all the latest news and updates on the Galaxy's Greatest Fanzines, be sure and head on over to the The Quaequam Blog - but remember to set your browsers for Maximum Thrill Power!